February 19, 2011

Babies and Children

We understand that nobody has an excuse when it comes to being exempt from the law and the consequences of the law (sin and death), and that God can and does reveal Himself in various ways to various people over the course of human history so that man can have faith and be saved. What about babies and children? If they die, are they condemned?

So Adam was the only human who truly had free will. Adam had the capacity to sin, and he chose to sin, and as a result, all of humanity inherited this nature of sin. We are all born with this sin nature (capacity and propensity to sin), but we are judged by our sin (act of sin, commiting sin), not judged merely by our nature to sin. There is no sin without the law (the law uncovers and reveals sin; see Romans 3:20), and there comes a time in a person's life when the feeling of conviction, the notion of doing right/wrong, feeling guilty, etc. come into being. That is basically the law written in our hearts. Once we reach that point in time, we are held accountable to it and will be judged by it. And everybody will basically fall short of perfection, sin, and be subject to the wages of sin which is death. I don't think there is a concrete age but rather the age is probably different on a case by case basis. Whatever that time is, if that person dies prior to that point in time, God will not condemn the person because he/she is not guilty of sin yet, since he/she has no notion of the law yet. No law --> no sin --> no judgment. I would argue that the only people who aren't subject to the law (and therefore not held accountable for their sin) are those like these babies/children. Every other person who has ever existed on earth and will exist in the future WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR SINS (and the wages of sin is death), including the person who existed before Jesus and including the person on a remote island.

Here is a link with some more info on this: http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/salvatio/infantsa.htm

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